www. RedWhortleberry .com

internal links:
McIntosh Image Gallery
mOLe - mcintosh ON LINE explorer
M'Cheyne calendar / Shorter Catechism
MDM's Genealogy
Let me know if you find one of your ancestors among these.
Swim With Donna

Red Whortleberry is the plant badge of Clan Mackintosh. There are several links of general interest relating to our Scottish heritage and the history of the Clan, and some links useful primarily to my immediate family.

external links:

Rampant Scotland Directory! 9,000+ Scottish-related Links, regularly updated.
Scotland on line Gateway to Scotland
Clan Chattan The confederation of several major Clans and associated families to which Mackintosh belongs.

Clan Mackintosh of North America
Clan McIntosh
provided by Todd B. McIntosh
Clan Mackintosh Society of Australia Inc Follow links from "Facts and Figures" to "Symbols" for a full treatment of "Whortleberry".

THIS URL IS "www.redwhortleberry.com/index.html" LAST UPDATE 03/21/2009 BY mcintosh@redwhortleberry.com