Married 30DEC 1978 to Donna
Kay Frazure of Zemuly, Mississippi at Sallis Methodist Church by Bro. Wasson.
SON: Christopher
Matthew McIntosh born 23AUG 1981, Jackson,
Suzanna McIntosh born 26FEB 1988, Atlanta,
SON: Andrew
Frazure McIntosh born 12JUN 1991, Lawrenceville,
mini biography
Toured the world as a military dependent;
graduated from Gen. H. H. Arnold High School in Weisbaden,
Germany. Attended Michigan State University, then worked at
Vandenburg AFB as a telemetry data analyst. Joined the Air
Force in 1968 and served four years as a lab specialist.
Relocated to Mississippi, finished college, married Donna
Frazure, and worked for an insurance company as a computer
programmer. Moved to Georgia in 1984, and is now a Senior
Lead Engineer with Primerica.
2005 Family Postcard
2006 Skydiving: Rachel and Donna
2006 Personal Info for Fall Mercer Online Class