Neill McIntosh (1772-1846)
FATHER: Alexander McIntosh
MOTHER: Mary McIntosh
BORN: 06JAN 1772 Old Christmas Day
BIRTH PLACE: Isle of Skye, Scotland
DIED: 29JUN 1846
INTERRED: the Old Scots Burying Ground near Carthage, North Carolina USA
Married to Mary Jackson of Moore County, N. C.
around 1799
1830 Census
Moore County, North Carolina
1840 Census
Moore County, North Carolina
mini biography
from a memoir by Duane E. McIntosh:
Neill, born "Old Christmas Day" (January 6) 1772 on the Isle of Skye Scotland.
died 29JUN 1846, age 74 years, 5 months and 23 days. Neill is buried in the Old
Scots Burying Ground near Carthage. He married and settled on Richland Creek beginning about
1799, he also purchased land on McClendon's Creek. Neil McIntosh was well known in the
community and considerable additonal information concerning him can be found in Rassie
Wicker's "Miscellaneous Ancient Records of Moore County, N. C." Neill's wife was Mary
Jackson (b.26AUG 1782, died 29MAY 1855) age 72 years, 9 months and 3 days, her grave
is next to her husbands. Mary married Neill about 1799. She was the daughter of William
Jackson who lived on Little Juniper Creek about 10 miles southwest of Carthage. William
Jackson had a brother Samuel who also had a daughter Mary; she married Neill's brother
Neill and Mary had 12 children, the ages of some, I do not have. The order in which
they appear does not intend to accurately indicate their order of birth. Mary was 43 years of age
when she had her last child, Daniel, and "idiot". Daniel lived with his mother until she passed